Ellie Light's Letter: Another Patch Of Obama Astroturf
Democrats love to deny that the Tea Parties sweeping the nation are part of a grass roots movement. I suspect they'd have trouble recognizing a real one if they saw it since the only natural grass in their party seems to be smoked before policy meetings. For Democrats, "grass roots" tend to sink as deep into the soil as, well, multi-million dollar sign campaigns, fake doctors and shallow-planted town hall participants (though I do admit to finding it charming when Obama calls a random town hall participant by name before they introduce themselves). Grass? The left plays best on special interest sponsored AstroTurf.
The latest in a long line of Obama operatives posing as an ordinary grass roots citizen supporting their beloved president is "Ellie Light" who wrote a stirring letter of support for the Prez published in The Philidelphia Daily News saying, "It's time for Americans to realize that governing is hard work, and that a president can't just wave a magic wand and fix everything." Strange, no mention of Americans expectations that the President keep at least one campaign promise concerning the economy.