Sarah Palin Mocks Obama
And before you haters start to claim that Sarah Palin is stupid, please complete the following quiz:
1) Which U.S. Political figure told a European audience that he didn't know how to say something in Austrian (which is not actually a language)?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
2) Which U.S. Political figure claimed that America invented the automobile?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama . . . who also thinks America invented solar power.
3) Which U.S. Political figure gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs in response to Brown's thoughtful and historically significant gift?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
4) Which U.S. Political figure claimed to have visited all 57 U.S. States?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
5) Which U.S. Political figure has a tough time figuring out the difference between windows and doors?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
6) Which U.S. Political figure thought that Arkansas was closer to Kentucky than his home state of Illinois . . . which actually shares a border with Kentucky?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
8) Which U.S. Political figure gave the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his/her own speeches?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin Correct
Answer: A. Barack Obama
9) Which U.S. Political figure said this, "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today . . ."?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin Correct
Answer: A. Barack Obama
10) Which U.S. Political figure celebrated "Cinco de Cuatro" with Mexico's Ambassador to the United States, rather than Cinco de Mayo, and then repeated the blunder?
A. Barack Obama
B. Sarah Palin
Correct Answer: A. Barack Obama
The list could be endless when dealing with "the genius" currently in the Oval Office, but I suspect you get my point stopping with a nice, round 10 question quiz. So, now on to Sarah:
She is a fresh voice in politics! I love listening to her and I love the straight talk that she is willing to give no matter what her critics say about her!
Sarah Palin is a stupid ignorant bitch and so are you.
How dare you state this truth about Obama! How Dare You! The job of the media is to cover up the faults of progressives and accentuate the faults of our enemies.
Glad to see you're still at it.
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