23 February 2009

Politics At The Oscars

Seriously, did you really doubt that Sean Penn was going to win the Oscar. I was pulling for Mickey Rourke, so much so that I picked him in the office pool . . . OMG (as the kids would say) have office pools sunk to this? Ah, but in my heart I just knew Penn was going to walk away with another golden naked man. And why wouldn't he, this guy is everything current Hollywood celebrates.

Movie Quiz:

  1. How many Hollywood productions in the last few years have portrayed America as that shining city on a hill?
  2. Name a recent Oscar nominated film that portrayed the U.S. military and/or intelligence agencies in a positive light?
  3. Why doesn't Natalie Portman win the friggin' Oscar every year???

You can guess the answers to #1 & #2 (#3 I fear is destined to be an eternal mystery). When it comes to passing out Oscars, Hollywood is more concerned with making a statement than honoring the best. How else can you explain the fact that they gave Michael Moore an Oscar despite the fact that he's never actually made a documentary?

And this year Penn was perfectly positioned to win the statue, having giddily completed Hollywood's hate America checklist.

  • Called for the impeachment of George W. Bush: [X]
  • Praised the humanity of an international butcher like Hugo Chávez: [X]
  • Applauded a socialist dictator like Fidel Castro: [X]
  • Play a gay activist after the passage of Prop 8: [X]
  • Talk about defacing the flag (thought he prefers "cum stains" to burning): [X]
  • Criticize the war in Iraq using bogus data: [X]
  • Attack Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly: [X]
  • Lay some smack on Christianity: [X]
  • Have a frequent flyer drug rehab card: [X]
  • Photographed partying with a fellow loser like Lindsey Lohan: [X]
  • Take credit for electing Barack Obama: [X]

The bottom line is that this guy couldn't lose. And a tip for next year: anybody who hates the American way this much had better have their speech prepared.


  1. Nikki said...

    abso freaking lutely righty! This is an awesome post and right on the money! Anything the american christian deems of worth Hollywood will pee on it and then make a movie about it, and then win an oscar. :)N

  2. Mike said...

    Prior to the Oscars, I was going to post a prediction that he would win, but I didn't get around to it.

    I knew he was going to win because the Oscars are no longer about the best piece of work. Hype and emotion are the most important factors. When there is buzz about so-and-so possibly being the first African-American woman to win (Halle Barry) or so-and-so has been nominated five times and never won (multiple examples), it's almost money in the bank that they will win.

    Think about this injustice: Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine was chosen for best documentary (even though it wasn't a documentary) over the following two incredible documentaries: Spellbound and Winged Migration.

  3. Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

    Ah, come on. He's obviously trying to change his ways. Hey, he's positively lovable now!

    After all, Chavez loves him. Ray Nagin loves him, Saddam Hussein rotting in Hell loves him...

  4. Anonymous said...

    Sean Penns speach was to be expected ....a jackass like him just don't seem to know when to keep his big stupic mouth shut.

    PS see my blog for another angle about it.

  5. Red said...

    Ever wish there was a 'reset button'. My sweetheart keeps wishing for the "zombie apocalypse". I think it's already happening...

  6. Z said...

    I'm getting REAL tired of being smacked down in my own living room by loons like this..infuriated me.

    We're SUCH neandrethals for not thinking exactly like the BIG OPEN MINDED LIBERAL does, eh? What hypocrisy.

    OH, MAN, he ticks me off! (Can ya tell!?) xxx

  7. WomanHonorThyself said...

    what a tool Penn is...makes me ill!..blech!

  8. Khaki Elephant said...

    Nikki, you're right. No wonder they were looking to bring Mel Gibson down (and boy did he help them out).

    M.A., it's predictable and ugly at times.

  9. Khaki Elephant said...

    Pasadena, you are speaking from the den, brother. And you speak the truth!

    Thru my eyes, read your blog. Right on. Thanks for leading me there.

  10. Khaki Elephant said...

    Red, any mention of a Zombie Apocalypse is a homerun with me! Thanks for stopping by.

    Z, I can tell you're a little wound on this one. Good. There is comfort in numbers. :-)

  11. Khaki Elephant said...

    WOT, Tool seems such a kind word for that . . . tool. No, I guess it fits.

    Qwin, thanks for stopping by!